Three Ways to Improve Your Pitch

After nearly a decade in public relations, I’ve learned a lot about what reporters don’t like. I’ve made the awkward phone calls. I’ve had an editor tell me to call back when I did my homework. And I’ve had those great conversations that lead to a front-page story. Nothing can guarantee coverage when pitching a…

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Stretching your video budget

Video is at the top of the list for engaging customers and sharing information. In fact, 95 percent of people in a recent HubSpot survey said they have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

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The Importance of Analytics

Analytics have always been an integral part in evaluating public relations tactics and efforts. Traditionally, PR pros would count the number of media hits and equate that to how many people would have seen a particular article or news story. More recently, website and social media analytics have entered the mix, providing insights into what…

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