The importance of having a big head

Whether you are a graphic designer, a marketing director, a videographer, a freelancer, a salesperson or even a maintenance person, it’s important to always have a big head. That sounds bad, right? I’m not saying you need to be overly proud, arrogant, self-aggrandizing or full of yourself. You don’t want to be that kind of…

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Seven tips for shooting more professional looking headshots

As a communicator or marketer, one day you may be called upon to shoot a professional headshot or two. Maybe this has already happened to you and you found yourself wondering how to capture a somewhat professional photo. Well, consider your days of feeling like a fish out of water — at least for this matter — gone.

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Know your audience — The Press

“Know your audience.” It’s our mantra as communicators and marketers. It guides us as we craft our messages, our marketing campaigns and our promotional efforts. But do we follow this guideline when writing press releases? Sure, we write using the inverted pyramid construction, employing AP Style and giving the who, what, when, where and why…

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How to shoot great video on your smartphone

Video is all the rage when it comes to producing content for social media and websites these days. If that has you thinking you need to go out and spend $3,000 for equipment and editing software, you might first consider using the smartphone in your pocket to get started instead.

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