The difference between black hat and white hat SEO

Maybe this has happened to you or someone you know. You’re working with what seems like a great digital marketing company that’s helping you rank better in search engines like Google. You only started working with them a few weeks or months ago, but you’re already seeing great results.

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Five ways to know your audience

When I’m meeting with organizations about their digital marketing, a lot of them are missing one specific piece of the equation necessary for effective marketing. In fact, it really impacts all forms of communication. They don’t know their audience. Knowing your audience…

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Who benefits from consistent marketing?

During my 15 years in the digital marketing field, I’ve seen many people get frustrated with their marketing efforts. Although there were a variety of factors, I’ve found the one thing that showed up more often than not was a lack of consistency.

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The digital marketing landscape in 2018

Digital marketing is constantly changing, which can be overwhelming. It can be helpful to get a good overview of what options are available so you can make an informed decision on what tools and platforms to use. While definitely not a complete list, here’s an overview of some of the digital marketing tools and platforms available to you in 2018.

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